2024 Annual Report

2024 stands out as a unique celebratory year. 20 years ago, the vision that became
Life Bloom was born and registered as a nonprofit. We enrolled the first woman, then
she brought in another one, 2, 5, 10, 16, 150, a thousand plus women in distress
searching for a safe space to “find themselves” and be able to make choices that
would propel them to the futures they deserved and desired. (Twenty) 20 years
on, more than 16,600 women, children and men have found a place to call home
and found “the home in themselves”, through our various programs, an amazing
dedicated staff and community of volunteers/supporters.

The year 2024 began as a year of GRATITUDE as we celebrated Life Bloom@20,
our CEO’s trip to the USA to meet partners who had stood with Life Bloom through the
high and low moments, numerous zoom calls and emails of Gratitude
internationally and locally. We are all blessed and a blessing for the world.
This year alone, for the first time we have trained and graduated 44 children
counselors, coached 24 women and men, graduated 44 Community Counselors and
offered counseling support to 1018 children in distress from very deserving
households and schools. In a very deliberate move, we have had inclusion of
Persons with Disability (see details below).

Children Counselors Graduation in Suswa, Narok County

On behalf of Life Bloom, we come back to thank you, to invite you to Lifebloom-
Beyond-20. Here at Life Bloom, there is a place for each one of us to live their

purpose. Welcome to this shared space, let’s make the circle wider too: tell your
networks about Life Bloom, maybe, they too, will find at Life Bloom the home they
have been searching for.

To read more about our achievements in the year 2024, please click on the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HOWfiRC6iQmqqeQRDgJdl4XLNd0OMxCN/view?usp=sharing

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