2023 Annual Report

Life Bloom has supported 79 needy girls and boys with school fees and scholastic materials for reduced vulnerability to exploitation. The approach is a long term strategy to empower the children to break from cycle/s of exploitation. Through education support, beneficiaries have enhanced their effective communication, decision making, negotiation and leadership skills which are a necessity for growth and taking control of their growth, relationships and career. In addition, Life Bloom built capacities of 15 peer mentors on peer leadership and reporting which has enabled the peer mentors take up leadership amongst their peers

Life Bloom in partnership with Equality Now supported the Court Users Committee (CUC) through capacity building and trainings on the frameworks in counter human trafficking. A core team from the CUC visited Shanzu SGBV law court for benchmarking and learning on the best practices. 

Many achievements were made in the year 2023. One remarkable achievement was that Life Bloom took the initiative to capacity build the people in charge if delivering justice (CUC) on human trafficking and exploitation. They have been and will always be a key stakeholder in this matter.

To read more on the report, please click on the link below:


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