We supported 27 beneficiaries’ education needs through payment of school fees and career mentorship which is a long term strategy to empower the children to break from cycle/s of exploitation. Education has enabled the beneficiaries to enhance their effective communication, decision making, negotiation and leadership skills which are a necessity for growth and taking control of their growth, relationships and career. 30 children beneficiaries have been capacity built on their rights, building self-confidence and making informed choices to respect their bodies. Jeninah a beneficiary confidently said “Life Bloom imenisaidia Sana kuweza kujikubali, nilikuwa chini sana na uchungu rohoni lakini saa hii naskia nimepona na ninaamini nitarudi shule” (Life Bloom has really helped me to accept myself, I was extremely broken and hurt but now I feel I am healed and I believe I will resume my studies)
Besides, 3 role models and 2 peer mentors have been trained on the digital shift on virtual platforms for holding meetings. The role models capacity was assessed and the team was capacity built on use of zoom by the project staff as well as group meeting functions for the pilot blended meeting scheduled.
- 30 beneficiaries are more aware of their rights, building self-confidence and making choices to respect their bodies more while pursuing justice.
- 17 beneficiaries empowered with knowledge and livelihood skills breaking the cycles of vulnerability to sexual violations.
- Silent voices of the survivors raised and amplified locally and globally
- Strengthened girls-led leadership models (including virtual) inviting other girls in similar situations for healing and growth; build a strong survivor network in which peer to peer support and mentoring is encouraged and amplifying the voices of the survivors
- Expanded safe spaces in the community where there has been done before.
- Teen mothers balance between living their childhood and parenting.
Please click the following link to read our full Annual report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TBLIa2ygcPrRtdSwQF29YqCacdj_wIKM/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109771268628174842065&rtpof=true&sd=true